Euroanaesthesia 2020

Engaging Minds, Empowering Change!

Euroanaesthesia is Europe’s largest annual event showcasing the latest news and innovations with medical experts active in the field of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, intensive care, emergency medicine, and pain treatment.

It is recognised worldwide as one of the most important and influential annual congresses in anaesthesiology. With over 6000 international delegates and 100+ exhibitors from more than 80 countries, Euroanaesthesia is truly an outstanding international platform to enhance knowledge, review innovative techniques, learn on our guidelines, and communicate, collaborate and network with representatives of a large international audience.

Due to unavoidable complications arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESAIC has recently made the decision to hold Euroanaesthesia as a virtual meeting.

For FAQ on EA20, please visit the Euroanaesthesia20 website

Event Details

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